Burlesque as F*ck

Burlesque as Fuck balances sex, storytelling, and surprises through its uniquely themed variety shows that center stripteasers from Indianapolis and beyond. Co-producers Dahlia Desire and Max Maneater meticulously curate lineups and one-liners to immerse audiences in a one-of-a-kind Friday night.

Audiences can see Burlesque as Fuck every second Friday, but tickets must be bought in advance! This show sells out every single month. You can also follow the IG account @Burlesque_AF to see photos from past shows like Heretic, Indulgence, and Evocative.

Tip your hat to old-school cabaret, and clutch your pearls for the full experience: performance artists in combination with witty banter and a bit of wordplay makes us, as one fan said, “mesmerized a few times, and speechless at least once.”

Burlesque as Fuck provides opportunities for performance artists to share their craft — and for audiences to be awed. Your donations help us to pay artists fairly and to create unforgettable Friday nights. Simply click the link below with a “donation” note in comments.